Defensive Driving Tips To Keep You Safer

Car accidents are a frightening and potentially devastating thing to have to go through, and even if there aren’t any injuries, the damage to your vehicle could be substantial. Of course, the best thing to do is to drive in a way that’s going to avoid as many accidents as possible (always bearing in mind that some just can’t be avoided) and be safer that way. With that in mind, here are some of those defensive (or at least safer) driving tips that are sure to help protect you. 

Car accidents are a frightening and potentially devastating thing to have to go through, and even if there aren’t any injuries, the damage to your vehicle could be substantial. Of course, the best thing to do is to drive in a way that’s going to avoid as many accidents as possible (always bearing in mind that some just can’t be avoided) and be safer that way. With that in mind, here are some of those defensive (or at least safer) driving tips that are sure to help protect you. 

Wear A Seatbelt

As we’ve said, some accidents can’t be avoided, but if you can do whatever you can to mitigate the injuries they might cause, then that’s hugely important and must be done. One of the simplest, easiest, and best ways to keep yourself safe when you’re driving and in the event of an accident is to wear your seatbelt – something that’s actually the law in any case. 

When you – and everyone in your vehicle – wears a seatbelt, an accident can definitely still happen, but the results might not be as devastating as they would be without this piece of safety equipment, and it’s far better to be alive so you can call a car accident attorney and your insurance company than the alternative. It takes seconds to do and can genuinely save many lives. 

Don’t Go Above The Speed Limit

No matter how urgently you need to be somewhere or how empty the road ahead might be, you shouldn’t ever go faster than the speed limit – it’s been put there for a reason. In fact, the truth is that speed limits aren’t just made up on the spot when the road is built, but instead there’s a lot of discussion and research that goes into a road before a speed limit is decided – and over time, that speed limit might change to become faster or slower, depending on feedback and more research. 

It can be tempting to think you know better and to just drive faster anyway, but by sticking to the speed limit, you’re actually being as safe as you can be. The reasons for that limit might not be immediately obvious, but they will exist. Going too fast (or too slow in some cases) can mean an accident is far more likely to happen and if it does, the faster you’re driving,  the worse the results can be. 

Use Your Turn Signals 

Using your turn signals is something you’ll learn when you take driving lessons, but it’s also something that, once you pass your test and start getting used to being behind the wheel, is easy to forget about and fall out of the habit of doing. The problem is that when you don’t use your turn signals, the people and cars around you won’t know when you’re intending to turn or merge lanes, for example, and if they’re not prepared, an accident could happen. 

When you see someone using their turn signals, it gives you the chance to prepare, which might be slowing down, or it could just mean watching them in case they pull out in front of you. So if you use other people’s turn signals to stay safe, use your own to give others the same chance.

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