100 Skills Every Man Should Know

camp fire, car, drywall, grilling, Home, skill set, snake bite, split firewood, Thanksgiving

As guys, we are expected to have a certain skill set, a list of things we should be able to do (sometimes in a pinch). Popular Mechanics does a good job of this by putting together “100 Skills Every Man Should Know: The Instructions“.

Everything from ironing a shirt, taking the perfect portrait and even changing a baby diaper to building a fire in the wilderness and sweat copper tubing is included with tons more in between. Whether you are the handy type or the guy with two left thumbs there is sure to be something in there for you.

Its quite sad really. For centuries “man-knowledge” was held in the highest esteem, guarded by an elite group knowledge guarders who ensured that men everywhere had easy access to the latest philosophies of manhood, or something like that. Ok, that might sound a bit Dan Brownish but it gets the point across. Modern man has lost his way in a maze of knowledge, not really sure how to tell what information is critical and what is unnecessary.

Here are just 2 samples (perfect for the summer and fall months) of what you can find:

2. Grill with Charcoal

Cluster the coals on one side of the grill with as little space between the briquettes as possible, says Jamie Purviance, author of Real Grilling. This minimizes airflow, which keeps coals burning longer. For direct grilling (burgers, steaks, fish fillets), place the food above the burning coals. For lower-temperature, indirect grilling (chicken, ribs, roasts) place the food well away from the coals. Shut the lid; open it only to check whether the food is done. You can also grill indirectly with gas. Preheat all burners on high, then turn them down on one side of the grill to the temperature needed for the recipe and completely off on the other.

78. Carve a Turkey

Position the turkey on a wooden cutting board, cavity  side facing you. Use a sharp 8- to 12-in. chef’s knife and make a cut at each  thigh; they’ll open up naturally, and you can take them off. Split the leg and  the thigh at the joint and put them on a platter. Next, use the tip of your  knife to follow the bones on the left wing side, starting on top and working  down. “Go slow and stay on the bone; don’t go into the meat,” Symon says. “The  breast comes right off.” Repeat on the right side, then lay the breasts on the  cutting board and slice them. (Some carvers go for thin, elegant pieces; Symon  prefers thick, hearty slabs.) Arrange the slices artfully on the platter—toss on  some parsley sprigs as a garnish—and serve.